Creative Problem Solving Today

Each Mind Missions lesson includes a Problem-Based learning (PBL) challenge. Students work in teams to devise a solution to historical and geographical STEAM problems.

Mind Missions is an elementary social studies curriculum. Each lesson contains a mission challenge based on a real-world geographical or historical problem. Students may be challenged to create a code for World War II. The mission challenge might be to build a moving monument to a person or a critical event. Students may be asked to create an advertising campaign to address a social or environmental problem. Student teams engage in problem based learning (PBL) lessons.

After they receive the essential problem, student teams brainstorm potential solutions.  They discuss the merits and problems associated with each potential solution. Then students collaboratively and creatively generate a unique solution to the STEAM problem. Solutions draw on science, technology, engineering, art, and math for success. Throughout the process, students use design thinking to generate ideas, imagine solutions, innovate, create, test, and re-engineer for successful implementation. They evaluate their work for successful design, outcome, and ingenuity. When mission innovations fail, students re-design and grow as designers and team members.

Finally, teams present their solution to the class and test their mission success. After presentations, solutions are evaluated for effectiveness and creativity. Both are celebrated and recognized as essential elements of effective problem-based learning.

Students learn how to innovate, create, and evaluate using Mind Missions elementary social studies curriculum. While they build problem-solving skills, students are learning state standards for Language Arts and Social Studies. 

“History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.”

B.C. Forbes

Ready to get started teaching collaboration, critical-thinking, communication, & creative problem solving in your classroom?